New Jersey / New York Equipment
BUTTER TREE STUDIOS offers equipment, which include: lights, grip equipment, green/blue screen, and a scissor lift (which can be used to access our lighting grid.) View our full equipment list. If you have any questions, give BUTTER TREE STUDIOS a call.
Grip & Electrical
The grip and electrical room offers a wide selection of c-stands, rolling stands, grip heads, grip arms, stirrups and clamps. Also available are apple boxes, sandbags, flags, standard clamps, safety cable, gels, diffusers and barn doors.
Green & Blue Screens
Our production studio has what you need for your next green/blue screen project (green/blue screens: 20′ x 20′, and various sizes).
Scissor Lift
A scissor lift, also known as an aerial work platform, is a hydraulic lifting device used to allow access to elevated areas. More stable than traditional ladders and more versatile than a constructed elevated platform, the scissor lift can be used to correct a lighting issue or to get that elevated photo or video shot.
Extensions & Stands
A wide selection of c-stands, rolling stands, grip heads, grip arms, and clamps are available. We also have sandbags, black flags, standard clamps, safety cables, gels, diffusers, and barn doors (The miscellaneous items you do not think about until you need them.).