The Evolution Of Photography The Beginning
Photography! Who could have thought that we would now be able to take pictures through a digital camera and transfer to a computer and change the colors or any of the attributes of an image or a photograph? Digital cameras are sharper and provide high quality pictures that can be used over multiple mediums. BUTTER TREE STUDIOS presents the Evolution of Photography.
Sir John Herschel is a man who invented the term ‘Photography’ in 1839.
This was also the year when the process of Photography was unveiled to the public.
How did photography really evolve? Well! It is the bi-product of laws of physics and compounds of chemistry. The evolution of photography is a completely scientific process starting with the use of optics in the 1830′s.
The dark room or Camera Obscura existed some four hundred years back, while cameras were being used since the 11th century and yet photography did not come into public use before the 1830′s.
There were different observations made by several people that finally led to putting together of all the missing pieces and this also announced the advent of photography. Some of those important observations are:
* In the 15th century, Robert Boyle found out that silver chloride turned dark when exposed to air and not light.
* In the early 1800′s Angelo Sala observed that when silver nitrate powder is kept in the sun for long, it turns black.
* Around 1727, Johann Heinrich Schulze made a discovery regarding colors. There were some liquids that changed their colors when they were exposed to light.
* Thomas Wedgwood conducted some experiments in the early 19th century. He had captured images but could make the images permanent.
* The first ever successful production of a photograph emerged in the June-July of 1827 by Joseph Nic
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